Herbalife and Mannatech distributors can immediately collect money from customers via phone, fax, email or in person
by ordering ChecksNet. NO MERCHANT FEES, no transaction fees and no special equipment for you to buy. This is why so many Herbalife distributors use ChecksNet and recommend it to new distributors.

If you would like to be able to accept check/draft payments, you should order the ChecksNet OPS System. We do all the work. You'll have an Online Payment System in minutes. We create your customized online payment page, provide secure (SSL) web hosting and configure everything so your payments flow seamlessly from website to ChecksNet on your computer. Pop-ups alert you that new payment(s) have arrived. All you do is click PRINT and you have a finished bank draft that you can deposit immediately, just like any standard check.

Click a photo for details on that product.

  ChecksNet           ChecksNet OPS

New features in ChecksNet
ChecksNet versions run in
98, NT, ME, 2000, Xp, Vista 32bit & all Windows 8, 8.1 or 10.0 32bit editions.

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